Long time Llama

Oh hello there, long time no see! How have you been?

After an accidental 6 month break I am back! ‘Break’ is a loose term. It’s been anything but a holiday! I gained a title (FYI I only answer to Dr K now), lost 7kg and counting (just 2kg left to go), completed a half marathon, spent 12 whole weeks apart from Llama Supporter, lost loved ones, moved home, got a job, imposter syndrome reared its head and hasn’t gone away, the list goes on more than Celine Dion.

I didn’t initially intend to be away for so long, but circumstances altered and I didn’t want unsavoury people to have an insight to my life. So, we now have a lot to catch up on and I’m not really sure where to start so I’ll just write what I like as usual and you’ll either read it or you won’t. It’s a simple process really. After all, as I say time and time again, it’s the best therapist I have ever been to and I feel like I am in desperate need of some therapy right now!

Obviously lockdown has been rough on everyone and every aspect of life. My life changed quite dramatically, Llama Supporter and I didn’t see each other for 3 months. During this time, I finished vet school, sat my finals and qualified as a Vet. I’m not going to lie, it felt like a limp to the finish not a celebration of achieving a life times ambition. With that came huge feelings of guilt that I was feeling sorry for myself when people were in much more difficult situations. But I did and do still in some ways still feel sad. Obviously I am incredibly proud of what I have achieved. I can’t believe vet school is finally over and I am in employment making decisions?! The biggest shocker is that I am a small animal vet right now! Not an equine vet, I’m not quite sure how that happened either?! Life moves in mysterious ways! I still have to be reminded by the nurses that I am the vet, when I am panicking about my treatment options and looking for a ‘more grown up’ vet. Trusting your own thoughts is so difficult some times. Imposter syndrome is a massive bitch.

Being apart from Llama Supporter was weird. We wrote to each other a couple of times a week and sent each other gifts which helped a little bit but it was really difficult. Obviously we have a long distance relationship so are used to having our own lives and spending time apart. But it’s just weird when things are imploding and you need your person to be there and they can’t. We weren’t even together when I found out I qualified. Long distance relationships are rubbish at the best of times but this was a whole new realm and I hate shitty West London more than ever before!!

We have tried to make up for lost time by having some amazing days out and adventures, which I will be posting about over the next few weeks. Including paddle boarding, pumpkin picking, becoming RHS members (we’re secretly OAPS), eating cake in so many different places and trying to get lean with the help of Joe Wicks! Oh, and actively avoiding people!

Right now I am supposed to be getting my 5k time under 30 minutes for a run at the end of the month, but I am nursing a bulging disc in my back and the pain is unreal. Thankfully my parents are supplying lots of tea and biscuits! Which I am going to have to spend the next few weeks running off again, when I can finally move properly!

If you’re feeling generous here is my just giving page:


And here we are in case you had forgotten what we look like!

Love, always

Dr K x

(as if I wasn’t going to put that!)

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